The club operates a membership year starting each year on 1st September.
For new members joining later in the year, the initial membership fee will be the appropriate fraction of the annual fee according to the number of full months left +1 until 1st September subject to a minimum payment of £20. BACS payment details are on the membership form. (see button below).
Junior / youth members under 18 who come to the court must be attended by an appropriate adult. This means either the parent or a person who has appropriate safe-guarding clearance and who has the approval of the parent.
Standard Membership fees
Membership type Cost per year
Single Adult £100
Youth (Up to 18 yrs) £20
Off peak / weekend £50
Joint Adult / Family £160 (£80 off-peak)
Coaching member £10 (only attending the club for coaching)
Corporate Membership
Corporate membership is for companies in Wallingford wishing to join the club to allow members of staff to take advantage of the opportunity to play squash at reduced fees. The organisation joins for a fee of £150 and then each member of staff pays £50.
Membership type Cost
Company fee £150
Corporate individual £50
The membership form must be filled in and returned by all members, including coaching members, who wish play or train at the squash club.